Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Options for Replacing teeth with Dental Implants

As restorations for missing teeth, dental implants are extremely versatile. Regardless of how many teeth you may be missing, implants provide a healthy and strong restorative solution that can work for almost any patient who is in otherwise good oral health.  Implants are capable of doing the following:

Replacing Single Teeth

Whether it’s a tooth in your smile line, one that’s clearly visible when you smile, or a molar, dental implants can act as new tooth roots and support a natural-looking dental crown. We place single dental implants in any location in your smile, in order to fill the gap in your teeth, support bone health, and prevent neighboring teeth from shifting toward the open space.

Anchoring Bridges for Groups of Missing Teeth

Traditional dental bridges are usually three-unit pieces made to place a missing tooth, and are bonded onto surrounding teeth. Bridges usually require the presence of teeth on either side of a gap in order to be properly attached, but implants make bridges useful for any dental patient with groups of missing teeth.  Implant posts act as replacement tooth roots and can secure either end of a dental bridge, regardless of how many replacement teeth the bridge consists of, or how many natural teeth are remaining in your smile.

Total Tooth Replacement

Complete tooth loss in either jaw arch isn’t an uncommon problem for senior patients, but implants provide a durable solution for this problem too. Just like with dental bridges, where the implant posts act as anchors to support a restoration, implants can be placed to securely attach to a full denture. There are different methods for implant dentures, which include fixed overdentures and hybrid dentures – but both of these both provide superior stability and oral function over removable dentures. Implant dentures help patients enjoy greatly improved quality of life when faced with complete tooth loss.

We Place and Restore Implants in Burnaby

If you have questions about what implants can do for you, contact Eagle Creek Dental Centre for more information. We perform implant placement and also provide custom-made dental crowns, bridges, and dentures to successfully restore all missing teeth.

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